Thursday, December 17, 2009

Time for Learning

EM completed the last of Calvert's first grade math tests today. When we come back from our Christmas break, we will start with Singapore math. I showed him the books today. He looked at them for a minute or two and said, "I think I'll work my way through those in a day. Is that okay?" I would say, "YES!"

About 2 weeks ago, I decided to try to complete all of the required Calvert spelling tests for JT before Christmas. We almost made it. We have one left for the new year. I just wanted to get them out of my hair so we could spend some time using our English from the Roots Up flashcards to create our own spelling lists.

Once again this week, JT struggled with distraction. I'm still not sure how I want to handle those days. After a fairly unproductive morning today, he did buckle down and write the first 3 paragraphs of a 5 paragraph composition on hurricanes. Later in the day, he spent some time on a piano piece he has been composing. His musical talent continues to impress me. I can only imagine how much more he could do if he had the desire to invest more time. Motivation is in short supply here.

I am really looking forward to the holiday break. We will be schooling two and a half days next week. After that we plan to start back on a full schedule January 4th. I will probably take a break from blogging until we come back in January.

Have a wonderful holiday and happy new year!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Happy Holidays to you as well!

(And if you find any ways to motivate, let me know!!!)