Thursday, March 5, 2009

Handy Websites

The Calvert Curriculum that PA Cyber provided offers geography the first half of 3rd grade. When we finished the book, I had an older 6th grade geography text book lying around that I decided to use as a supplement for JT. We spent a few months getting a general overview of world geography including things like natural resources, world population, climate, etc. Starting last week, we zeroed in on the United States, specifically the North East. I found a picture of a blank US map and cut and pasted just the NE to make it big enough for easy identification. I wanted an easy way to quiz him on the states and capitals. That very morning a friend of mine sent me a wonderful email full of links including a state quiz. Here are a few....

map quiz of the United States

excellent group of quizzes (mostly math)

math flashcards (you can chose if you want to be timed or not)

jigsaw puzzle quiz of United States

I sometimes think about how hard it must have been for parents doing traditional homeschooling before the internet came on the scene. These websites are wonderful tools that not only help us teach our children, but also allow us a few free moments of sanity!

When my son asks me some off the wall question about science or history and I have to stop and really think about the answer, it's so nice to know help is only a Google search away. No wonder my mom bought the gigantic encyclopedia type book a door to door salesman brought to our house when I was a kid. She probably wanted a break from answering questions!

It was a good week to be thankful for technology.

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