Thursday, November 26, 2009


We are coming to the end of our vacation week. In our plan to school 6 weeks on/1 week off we managed to have Thanksgiving line up with the schedule. Christmas vacation will not quite line up, so we may take the end of that week and part of the following week off and start back a bit sooner. I guess it will depend on frustration levels and where we are in our material.

Like most other Americans, I spent some time today considering my blessings. One that came to mind was the opportunity we have as Americans to homeschool our children. Others are not as fortunate. Here is a link concerning a family in Germany that may be going to jail for making the decision we take for granted. Of all the things I had to consider when choosing this path, jail time was never an issue. Even though some days, I may feel I've been 'sentenced for life', I generally feel far more freedom with my boys out of the public school system. I don't want to downplay the sacrifice homeschooling can be for some families. For me, it meant once again postponing my college education. In the large scheme of things, does it really matter if I have a degree? Isn't that kind of the same as thinking kids need to go to a 'real' school in order to be educated?

I am thankful that I have a supportive husband and extended family. I am thankful that my husband has a job that allows me to be home with the kids and not need to worry about the bills. I am thankful that my kids are happy and free from tedious days in a classroom...except for composition (if you were to ask JT).

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