Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Wonder The Kids Can't Do Math

We are in the height of PSSA fever. Pennsylvania System of School Assessment- PA's answer to No Child Left Behind. Our cyber charter can't go a day without reminding us that "The test is only __ days away!" Having a child that is operating above grade level generally makes me immune to their endless nagging. But this week, they got me. This week they sent me a package in the mail that sent me reeling.

The mysterious package arrived from our school Tuesday afternoon. I had to sign for this I knew it was something significant. Inside I found...a calculator! ? The only other item in the envelope was a disc titled '2010 PSSA Preparation'.

I thought, "Surely 4th graders can't use calculators on the PSSAs! Surely!"

Turns out, 3rd graders are the only kids that CAN'T use them. Is it just me, or is it ridiculous to think 4th graders need a calculator to take a math test? This is not advanced math. This is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division...the fundamentals. Kids should be able to do these without assistance. Maybe this explains why we are in such a mess. If the students of PA can't make AYP (Annual Yearly Progress) with their calculators...we are in big trouble.

Considering the fact that JT has never really used a calculator, I guess I'll need to start some remedial work with him before his testing day.


Annie said...

Holy Cow!!! You are kidding, right??

California just came in second to last on yet another set of national tests. Now, I know why! We aren't giving the kids calculators! Maybe we should have audiobooks for the reading comprehension portion. . .

I've purposely kept calculators out of reach. Who knew I was holding the kids back.

Any second thoughts now about staying with the cyberschool next year?

Cyber Momma said...

It is true.

I sent an email to our IS at the cyber. She suggested that I 'teach him how to use the calculator'. I am seriously considering not even sending it on test day. I think it will slow him down!

MamaLou said...

My kid is entering 'grade 4' next september...I've already opted out of test day. Even if he attended school I wouldn't send him those days. My neighbor's kid spent the whole first term of school practicing for the tests....and we're in Canada. Do these people not read the same studies we do about the USELESSNESS of the tests??? Look at the size of houses around the schools, and you know the results. BELIEVEITORNOT they actually published school test results and MEAN INCOME for each school in our local paper. turns out Alfie Kohn is right. Not that I doubted him.